Core Technology
  • Core Technology
  • R&D Center
  • New Drug Development Team
New Drug Development Team
Vcheck M Development Team

Bionote is opening a new business sector by developing a molecular diagnostic analyzer
in an aim to a more efficient and precise diagnosis of animal diseases.
This new analyzer is based on a PCR technology, which was previously only available by
limited experts. By simply applying the sample to a cartridge and inserting it to the
analyzer, this whole new platform automatically performs the test.

Bionote’s molecular diagnostic analyzer provides two PCR modes – LAMP (qualitative)
and Real-time PCR (quantitative / quantitative) tests. User simply select the desired mode; the LAMP
method can perform qualitative tests relatively quickly as it can detect nucleic acids
even at isothermal temperature, while the Real-time PCR method provides a real-time
quantitative result that enables early diagnosis and monitoring of the pathogens.

Vaccine Development Team

Typical vaccines that are used prevent diseases include DNA vaccine,
RNA vaccine, antivirus vaccine, and sub-unit vaccine.
Sub-unit vaccine utilizes recombinant proteins and is highly safe because
there is no direct contact with the infection sources, and thus has been used for a long time.

Bionote has not only secured recombinant protein development capability,
cell line development capability, and protein mass production technology, but also
acquired various test methods to verify the efficacy of the candidate materials such as
Virus Neutralization Test (VNT), Plaque Reduction Neutralization Antibody Test (PRNT),
and ELISpot (Enzyme-linked ImmunoSpot). As an in-vitro diagnostic specialist, Bionote has
the ability to produce test kits that can detect the antibodies of the vaccine candidates
against certain diseases. solely based on its own technology

BioNote is not only developing sub-unit vaccines, but is also preparing to develop
a better vaccine platform that can prevent diseases in animals and humans.

  • Basic search and original technology research
  • Selection for development candidate materials
  • Preclinical (nonclinical) trial
  • Clinical Trial
  • Certification and supply of the newly developed material