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Q[V200] 11. EEEA
An internal error has occurred.
☞ If the error continues after turning the analyzer ON/OFF, report to BIONOTE with the error message.
Q[V200] 10. Not Supported deviceA
1. Loaded test device is not appropriate for the analyzer
☞ Check the type of test device and confirm it is manufactured by BIONOTE
2. Invalid software
☞ Update software.
Q[V200] 9. Calibration OverdueA
The calibration is overdue.
Calibrate analyzer or set up calibration period longer.
* Setting> general setting > Set Calibration and QC If the error continues after turning the analyzer ON/OFF, report to BIONOTE with the error message.
Q[V200] 8. Result: InvalidA
1. The test is invalid
☞ Retest with a new test device and a new specimen. If the error continues after turning the analyzer ON/OFF, report to BIONOTE with the error message.
2. C-line is out of range.
☞ Double-check if tablet melting process is completed.
Q[V200] 7. Extremely Total hemoglobinA
Sample is hemolyzed much (The measured total hemoglobin is not in the range of 7 to 23g/dL.)
1. This error occurs with specimens known to have total hemoglobin in the abnormal range.
2. Specimen with high hemolysis can not be used. Prepare the specimen again.
3. If the test kit allows whole-blood sample, this error will not be reported.
Q[V200] 6. Barcode ErrorA
Check if there is a damage on the barcode
Q[V200] 5. Printer Connection FailA
Reconnect the analyzer and the external device.
If the error continues after turning the analyzer ON/OFF, report to BIONOTE with the error message.
Q[V200] 4. Temperature ErrorA
Try with a new device after incubating at room temperature.
Q[V200] 3. Expired Test DeviceA
Try with new test device fronm different batch No.
Q[V200] 2. Insufficient SampleA
- Not enough sample volume
- Mostly due to too much bubble within sample
Try with a new device and be careful with the foam during sample preparation.
- Not enough sample volume