  • QFor sample taking of CPV antigen test, the fecal sample should include swabbing of the rectal wall or not? Or just feces from the floor is ok?

    It is not necessary to swab the rectal wall. 

    The CPV is propagated in the crypt cells of vili of the small intestine, and is included in the feces. So the virus is mixed in the feces. 

  • QPet hospital found the weak positive in CPV/CCV Ag, but negative in CPV Ag. And the dog had no clinical sign. How can I explain this?

      Basically, the CPV Ag kit and CPV/CCV Ag kit has same sensitivity. There is no difference.

      Therefore, this difference could be caused by sampling site, time difference. Also, the test result should be interpreted together with the clinical sign. 

      It can be interpreted a suspected one and then test the dog after 2 days later or testing CPV Ab test kit is recommended. 

    • QI want to know parvovirus shedding period in feces.

        CPV is transmitted by oronasal exposure to virus-contaminated vomitus, feces, and environmental fomites. The virus can also be spread by rodents, birds, and insects.

        The incubation period ranges from 3 to 14 days but is typically 5 to 7 days. 

        Virus shedding in feces begins 3 to 4 days after exposure during the preclinical incubation period and continues intermittently for up to 2 weeks. 

        Dogs with subclinical infection also shed virus in feces. Thus, infected dogs may be contagious for up to 30 days after exposure